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Meteor Development Company

Meteor is a full-stack JavaScript web framework that enables rapid prototyping and development of real-time web applications. It is built on top of Node.js and uses the popular front-end framework, React. Meteor simplifies the process of building real-time, cross-platform web and mobile applications with a single codebase.

Live Reload This service automatically reloads the application whenever changes are made to the code, providing an instant preview of the changes.

Accounts This service allows for easy integration of user authentication and authorization, including password management, email verification, and social media login.

Meteor packages These are pre-built modules that can be added to the application to add functionality and speed up development time.

Deployment Meteor provides a simple deployment process for deploying applications to popular cloud services like AWS and Heroku.

Meteor Galaxy This is a hosting service that provides a scalable and reliable infrastructure for Meteor applications.

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Comprehensive List of Features in Meteor

  • Full-stack framework
  • Real-time web applications
  • Cross-platform support
  • Reactive data system
  • Built-in package manager
  • Easy integration
  • Accounts and authentication
  • Live reload
  • Easy deployment
  • Meteor Galaxy
  • Modular architecture

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