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Qboat - Bootstrap 5 Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

Admin Template
50 Sales Last Update: January 20, 2023
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Best Build with Bootstrap 5+ & HTML, Angular, Vue, Laravel, React Admin Template

Qboat is a responsive and fully featured Multipurpose Admin Template powered by the scss framework bootstrap. If you’re a developer looking for a multipurpose admin dashboard with ready-made Bootstrap components, developer-friendly, and highly customizable Qboat is one of the best on the market. Even if you are not familiar with the framework, the template’s UI components can be easily customized without leaving the HTML code.


Qboat is a unique, modern, and flexible Admin dashboard template that can be used to build Backend Applications, Information systems, CRM, or even to start a new simple project and learn to use Bootstrap. We encourage you to have a good look at the live preview and discover all the themes and included features!












:: Qboat Core FEATURES ::

  1. 5+ Ready to Used Dashbord
  2. Authentication Pages
  3. 100+ Pages
  4. Switch to Light/Dark
  5. Monochrome Mode
  6. Mini Sidebar toggle
  7. Gradient Active
  8. Border Radius none
  9. Enable Dark! ( Sidebar )


  1. Documentation
  2. Changelog
  3. Video Tutorial
  4. Development Setup Points
  5. File Structure
  6. Helper Class


  1. Calendar
  2. Email App
  3. Chat app
  4. Contacts
  5. File Manager
  6. Invoice

:: Qboat HIGHLIGHTS ::

  1. Apex Chart
  2. Sparkline
  3. Chartjs
  4. jQuery Knob
  5. Peity Chart

:: Qboat Landing Pages ::

  1. Job Portal
  2. Real Estate
  3. eCommerce
  4. Crypto
  5. Fitness

:: Qboat Forms ::

  1. Clipboard
  2. Datepicker
  3. Range Picker
  4. Flatpickr
  5. Inputmask
  6. Maxlength
  7. nouislider
  8. passwordmeter
  9. rangeslider
  10. select2
  11. Sweetalert2
  12. Tags input
  13. Form Wizard

:: Qboat Widget's ::

  1. Basic Widget
  2. Card Background
  3. Card Images
  4. Card Tab
  5. Card Statistics
  6. User's Card
  7. Widget Card List

:: Qboat Font Icons ::

  1. Bootstrap Icons
  2. Font Awesome
  3. Flag Icon
  4. Simple line icons
  5. Feather Icons
  6. Weather icons
  7. Icons 8

:: Qboat Plugins ::

  1. DataTables
  2. Owl Carousel
  3. Summernote
  4. Fancybox
  5. Full calendar
  6. Tui Calendar
  7. Dropify
  8. JKanban
  9. Bootstrap Select
  10. Tagify

:: Qboat NOTE ::

  1. Browsers : Works well in all latest browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Edge

  2. General : All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and are NOT included in the final purchase files. It does not include any Business logic to produce database records.

  3. Plugin: All the Third-party plugins we use are installed via NPM and have their own support and updates separately. Pixelwibes can only provide support for the version of plugins used in the template. It applies to all the framework packages as well

  4. Bootstrap 5 : The HTML version is built upon the bootstrap 5 SCSS. The Frontend framework native bootstrap components will only have support for bootstrap 4 now, and we are overwriting it with bootstrap 5. In the future, when there will be the support of Native components for frontend frameworks, our team will replace overwritten bootstrap 5 with native bootstrap 5 for that framework.

  5. Framework code: Currently available bootstrap 5 full versions other technology provided only starter kit. we will consider developing a Full technology version in the future.

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